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The Faculty of Arts is the centre that organises studies in the field of the Humanities, and is divided into degrees belonging to the field of philology (English, Spanish and Catalan), history, geography, history of art and communication.

Heir to an ancient tradition, the Faculty has modern facilities adapted to the challenges of the European Higher Education Area. In this way, it aims to respond rigorously to the social demands of the present.

The rapid evolution of our society makes it necessary to provide continuous training throughout life. In this sense, our learning model is personalised and aims to meet different students profiles and skills. It combines both theoretical and practical approaches in order to bridge the gap between the academic and professional worlds.

The Faculty of Arts wants to be an open window to the world and for this reason it offers a considerable number of projects to complete the studies in foreign universities, at the same time as it welcomes a large number of students from other geographical locations.

You are beginning a new stage that will be fundamental for your future as people and as professionals. On behalf of all the teachers, administration staff and students of the Faculty we welcome you to this Centre. We invite you to take advantage of all the opportunities that we want to share day by day with all of you.


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